THE KITCHEN HOUSE by Kathleen Grissom ✆ Cove Podcast: Episode 7

In the 7th episode of our Cove podcast, we're discussing our July 2011 (128th) pick, THE KITCHEN HOUSE by Kathleen Grissom. And we're so happy to welcome the author to the panel this month! (Beware of Spoilers: our podcast is intended for those who have read the book.)

Kathleen joins Millenia, Roberta and Monica to discuss her inspiration and process for writing The Kitchen House, give a glimpse into the upcoming sequel, tentatively titled BOUND TO GO, shares some recommended reads, and much more!

Please listen in and share your comments with us. Enjoy!

Preview (3:12)

Full episode (Recorded 7/30/11) - Download

TKH Trailer:


Dee said...

I have several of your shows to catch up on, but I loved The Kitchen House! Can't wait to hear this one.


Blair said...

I read this book a few months ago and loved it!! So cool hearing the author discuss how this all came to her!! Great discussion!

Betsy said...

This sounds really good! I listened to about half of the podcast and I'm sold, will download and finish when I've read the book!

Yvonne said...

Great episode! The author was very insightful!! I also agree with the person who said we don't get much from the straight facts of slavery. Stories like The Kitchen House really humanizes the history.

The Reading Cove said...

Thank you all for being such faithful listeners of our podcast and sharing your comments - we really appreciate it!

Midge Lynn said...

I really liked listening to this. I read the book earlier this year and think I like it better after hearing the author's explaining how it all came to her.

connie5781 said...

I'll have to add this to my books to read!! Great episode!