We're excited to share our review of Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis! This blog tour is organized by
Lola's Blog Tours and runs from May 1st thru 21st. You can check out the
complete tour schedule at Lola’s Blog Tours.
Be sure to enter the below giveaway for a chance to win an e-copy of Beyond Reach or a $10 Amazon Gift Card!
This series contains 2 books: True Calling (True Calling #1) and Beyond Reach (True Calling #2).
Click here for our review of the first book, True Calling!
Beyond Reach (True Calling #2)
By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian Romance
Age Category: Young Adult
Release Date: April 30, 2015
Back on Earth, Ariana is caught in a dangerous crossfire between clandestine rebel organization Clementia and the power-hungry government. Refusing to divulge the location of the secret information entrusted to her by her late father, she desperately tries to bargain for her Mom, Lily, and Cal’s rescue. She’s fighting a losing battle, and the clock is ticking.
Presented with evidence of her fiancé Cal’s apparent betrayal, she loyally defends him despite her concerns. With her emotions in turmoil, matters become even more complicated as she grows closer to her ex-boyfriend Zane.
When the stakes are raised, a succession of shocking revelations rocks her world, setting her on a path that will not only change her destiny but the fate of humanity.
Confronted by a memory so abhorrent comes a truth she would do anything to forget.
But some things just can’t be undone.
Beyond Reach is the gripping second novel in the True Calling trilogy, continuing the story of Ariana Skyee in the weeks after she arrives back on Earth.
You can find Beyond Reach on Goodreads
You can buy Beyond Reach here: Amazon |
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Cove Member Robin's Review!
Thank you Reading Cove for providing me a copy of Beyond Reach.
This is my honest review of the book.
The second book in the True Calling series, maintains the high level
of energy and suspense that was built in Book One, and then "kicks it up" several
notches as Ariana returns to Earth with Zane and the war between the
Government and the Clementia rebels escalates.
The romantic aspect of the
series gets even more complicated in Beyond
Reach. Ariana is still crazy in love with Cal but without giving away any
spoilers, she is given ample reason to wonder if she really knows the man she
loves. Zane has a deep love for Ariana and she has feelings for him but since
her memories of Earth were erased when she was sent to Novo, she does not fully
understand her ties to Zane. To complete the love triangle there is someone who
is in love with Zane and knows that she has no hope as long as Ariana is back
in his life. She makes it her mission to get rid of Ariana to free Zane to love
someone else. Ariana has left so much behind when she escapes from Novo but
will not rest until everyone she loves is together again. To do so she puts
herself and Zane in grave danger.
The author has created a solidly written series that is a pure
delight to read. In Beyond Reach
there are aspects of the plotline that seem to carry on from hints provided in
the previous book or are logical steps in the progression of the story, but the
author weaves many unexpected events and twists into the storyline to
maintain the suspense and addictiveness of the plot from beginning to end.
The characters are well developed and believable. Although I
am a fan of Ariana, there were times when the decisions she made drove me crazy, but when I thought about it, her decisions seemed age appropriate for her even
though they resulted in putting her and those she loved in harms way.
Beyond Reach lays
a solid foundation for Book Three and I am waiting impatiently for the next
installment in this series. Rarely do two books by the same author make my
“best reads” of the year, but I have no doubt that these two books will be high
on the list.
I can honestly say that this series is just fantastic and I most
highly recommend it to readers who are looking for a really good young
adult dystopian series. Additionally, I offer my sincere thanks to the author
for creating such a great series that has me completely hooked and has provided
many hours of thoroughly enjoyable reading. Bravo!!!
First book in this series:
True Calling (True Calling #1)
By Siobhan Davis
Genre: Dystopian/Science Fiction/Romance
Age Category: Young Adult
Release Date: August 1, 2014
Planet Novo, nestled in space twelve hundred miles above the surface of the Earth, is the new home of 17-year-old Cadet Ariana Skyee. Confused by the government-sanctioned memory erase and distressed at her impending forced marriage and motherhood, Ariana’s plans for the future are thrown into complete disarray.
As the traumatic events within her family life enfold, Ariana grows increasingly alarmed at the authorities apparent pre-occupation with her and feels progressively more isolated and alone.
Her growing feelings for fellow Cadet Cal Remus intensify as the recently announced pageant, ‘The Calling’, gets underway. Struggling to comprehend the continuous, inexplicable dreams of the mysterious Zane, discovering the past helps shape her future, with devastating personal consequences.
You can find True Calling on Goodreads
You can buy True Calling here: Amazon USA |
Amazon UK |
Amazon Canada |
Amazon Australia |
Amazon India
About the Author:
Siobhan Davis is the author of YA science fiction romance series True Calling.
A self-diagnosed ‘teenager forever’—at least when it comes to books, music and movies—Siobhan is totally addicted to teen fiction and superhero/blockbuster movies. Siobhan loves baking, crime novels, shoes, bags, make-up, anti-wrinkle cream, anything pink, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Robert Pattinson (definitely Team Edward).
Siobhan has forged a successful corporate career, in Human Resources, over the last twenty years.
A member of the IWI writers group, Siobhan resides in the Garden County of Ireland with her husband and two sons.
Contact Siobhan at: www.siobhandavis.com
You can find and contact Siobhan here:
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Sample chapters, quotes, reviews and book excerpts are all available to download from the authors website!
There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Beyond Reach. These are the prizes you can win:
• 2 e-copies of Beyond Reach by Siobhan Davis
• 2 $10 Amazon Gift Cards
For a chance to win, enter via the Rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway